Thursday, September 15, 2005

2006 Convention Schedule

I'm trying to get a tentative schedule set for 2006. Thus far, I know I will be at these shows:

FX 2006 (Orlando, FL)
January 27th-29th

Megacon (Orlando, FL)
February 24th-26th

Wizard World Philly
June 2nd-4th

Wizard World Chicago
August ???

Baltimore Comic Con
September ???

I'm hoping to also attend Heroes Con at the end of June, as well as Emerald City in April. I WILL be making at least one NYC appearance next year. If I don't attend Emerald City, it will most likely be the March/April Big Apple Con, otherwise it will be the National Big Apple Con in November.
If anyone reading this is a fellow creator and would be interested in sharing a table or whatnot for Emerald City or Heroes Con, let me know! :)


Emerald Towers said...

GO TO EMERALD CITY! I've been wanting to have you and yer crew go to a con I can actually attend and that would completely rock the house.....please please please/

and Oh great I got beat out to a post by a damned infomercial spammer

Shannon said...

Gotta love blog spam. It has that special love going on...

And Emerald City is looking VERY good right now. It would be my first out of state con for 2006.