Friday, February 25, 2005

Megacon has arrived!

Very quickly, since it's after 3am and I really have to get some rest before the start of the con later today...
There was a short signing I set-up at my Barnes & Noble (that is where I currently work). Guests included Phil Jimenez, Greg Horn and Andy Runton (Mike Oeming planned on attending, but his flight was majorly delayed due to the snow). Anyway, the event went well. Here are a few pics for those interested:

More later!

Monday, February 21, 2005

Hey look, it's an update!

I meant to update last week, but I couldn't get on blogger for some reason. Anyway, issue #1 of "The Line" is at the printer! I should have it in my hands in time for WWLA next month. And, my name is on the Artist Alley list for the con!
Check it out
This week is Megacon. While I won't have "The Line," I will be attending. So, if you see me, say hello. You might find me at Mike Oeming's booth since I'm going under his site (for those unaware, I run his website).
More soon! :)