Sunday, March 12, 2006

Megacon 2006

Yeah, I realize I never posted about Megacon. Sorry about that. I actually got sick after the show and spend last weekend recovering.
Anyway, I thought I'd post a few pics at least. The show itself was good. I didn't sell as many copies of the book as I hoped to, but I did decently well. Thanks again to Derrick Fish and Marc Hammond for sharing their table space with me. Be sure to check out their book, Tales to Amaze!

George Perez with Scarlet Witch and the Vison!

Raven Gregory & Marlin Shoop (Marlin is the artist on the upcoming book, "The Waking" with Raven)

Dollar bill signed on Sunday night by some at the wrap dinner at Adobe Gillas.

Raven Gregory and Marc Hammond.

Derrick Fish and myself at the table.