Sunday, August 02, 2009


So as not to have to update multiple blogs, I am closing out this one (for now at least). I will be posting exclusively on wordpress from this point on.
Please head over there:

Friday, July 31, 2009

The awesome health benefits of chocolate!

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate
by Kimberly Wesley
St. Louis Weight Loss Examiner

Healthy? Chocolate? Sounds like a dream come true for many. Yet scientists are uncovering facts that dark chocolate has many healthy aspects.

How can chocolate be healthy? Many people forget that chocolate is a plant-based food. It’s actually a fruit. It grows in bunches on a cocoa tree. Up until the mid 1800s, chocolate was only used as a drink. The chocolate that became very popular in the past had only 11-15% chocolate actually in it. The rest--milk and sugar.

Chocolate is packed with flavonoids, which act as antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body from aging caused by free radicals, which can cause damage that leads to heart disease. Flavonoids also help relax blood pressure through the production of nitric oxide, and balance certain hormones in the body. In fact, ounce for ounce, dark chocolate and cocoa have more antioxidants than do foods like blueberries, green tea and red wine.

The key is to pick good quality dark chocolate, not milk chocolate or white chocolate, which has too much sugar and not enough pure chocolate in it to be healthy. Look for at least 70% dark chocolate. The taste will be a bit bitter, but you only need a small amount a day to reap the benefits.

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate:

Lower Blood Pressure: Studies have shown that consuming a small bar of dark chocolate everyday can reduce blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure.
Lower Cholesterol: Dark chocolate has also been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) by up to 10 percent.
It stimulates endorphin production, which gives a feeling of pleasure
It contains serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant
It contains theobromine, caffeine and other substances which are stimulants
It is good to know that chocolate contains ingredients beneficial to our health. However, it does not necessarily mean you should eat more chocolate products. Chocolate bars and candies are often high in fat, sugar and calories. Moderation is always the key - having a decadent piece of chocolate once in a while is not going to harm your health, either. If you have a choice, choose dark chocolate for its higher flavonoid content.

Check food labels when shopping for dark chocolate. Chocolate with ingredients such as milk fat, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, coconut or palm oil contains the more harmful saturated fats (those that increase blood cholesterol levels, putting both arteries and heart at risk).

Common Pitfalls
Overindulging, a common dilemma when one square of chocolate is not enough, may contribute to unexpectedly packing on those pounds. Portion control is a key factor to maintaining an adequate weight while reaping the benefits of dark chocolate's antioxidant effect.

I LOVE chocolate, dark more than anything. My new favorite bars are Green & Blacks Organic Dark Chocolate and Hershey's Bliss Dark Chocolate bars. The organic bars are obviously better for you health-wise, but sometimes I can't get them where I shop (Whole Foods is a once a week trip since it's on the other side of town). Either way, I try to eat a dark chocolate bar once a week, working it into my calories. Definitely a great way to end a day. :)

Obesity Rates of Americans

Effort needed to turn around obesity rates

By The Pantagraph Editorial Board | Posted: Monday, July 27, 2009 12:00 am |

If only losing weight were as easy as buying a book, then we wouldn't be faced with reports about the ever growing waistline of the average American.

The latest report from the Trust for American's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation says obesity rates increased in nearly half the states last year. Not one state had a decrease.

How could that be when "Cook Yourself Thin" tops the paperback advice category of the New York Times bestseller list? Four of the top 10 in that category deal with improving our eating habits ("Martha Stewart's Cupcakes" doesn't count.)

A look in the hardcover advice category gives us "Master Your Metabolism" by Jillian Michaels, a trainer and coach on NBC's "The Biggest Loser."

But who will the biggest loser be when obese baby boomers - and their obesity-related illnesses - fill the Medicare rolls? The report says baby boomers have a higher obesity rate than any prior generation.

According to the report - whose short title is "F as in Fat" - four states have an adult obesity rate of more than 30 percent: Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia and Tennessee. In 1991, no state had a rate above 20 percent.

Today, more than 25 percent of adults are obese in 31 states, including Illinois, which ranks 27th at 25.9 percent.

Illinois fares even more poorly when it comes to children. Our state has the 10th highest percentage of youths ages 10 to 17 who are overweight or obese - 34.9 percent. That is despite Illinois being among the few states with a requirement for daily physical education in school.

But many schools are granted waivers for that requirement and not all physical education classes include a lot of physical movement.

Among the report's recommendations is to "increase the frequency, intensity and duration of physical activity at school." It also calls for limiting "screen time" - time spent in front of a television set, computer screen or videogame.

Limiting screen time applies to adults, too, as does a suggestion that employers provide workplace wellness programs.

But we shouldn't depend on schools or employers to force us to take steps that we can and should be taking ourselves.

Going for a family walk or bike ride after dinner or on weekends would help fight obesity among both adults and children, for example.

The continued upward trend in overweight and obesity rates will be costly to our health and our wallets - through increased health care expenditures. We need to reverse this trend.

Posted in Editorial on Monday, July 27, 2009 12:00 am Updated: 12:40 pm.

It's Friday!

It's Friday and I couldn't be happier. Yes, I work for four hours tomorrow, but then I'm free until Monday at 12:30pm! I've got a number of errands/things to accomplish during the 1 1/2 days of the weekend I have including getting some writing work done, shopping (Whole Foods/Fresh Market and Publix), bringing in my sunglasses for repair since they are scratched already, clothes shopping for New York (and generally, as I don't have a lot that fits these days), and a few other things here and there. Overall, I want to get things done and have some 'down time' in there as well.

Also, I am very happy that I'm almost off a cycle of a pill my doctor changed for me last month. I did ask for something cheaper, but it hasn't had me feeling well and all, so I am anxious to simply go back to what I had been on and just deal with paying a bit more for it for now. Sometimes cheaper isn't better!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Organic food is no healthier says study

Organic food is no healthier, study finds

Wed Jul 29, 12:29 pm ET

LONDON (Reuters) – Organic food has no nutritional or health benefits over ordinary food, according to a major study published Wednesday.

Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine said consumers were paying higher prices for organic food because of its perceived health benefits, creating a global organic market worth an estimated $48 billion in 2007.

A systematic review of 162 scientific papers published in the scientific literature over the last 50 years, however, found there was no significant difference.

"A small number of differences in nutrient content were found to exist between organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs, but these are unlikely to be of any public health relevance," said Alan Dangour, one of the report's authors.

"Our review indicates that there is currently no evidence to support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods on the basis of nutritional superiority."

The results of research, which was commissioned by the British government's Food Standards Agency, were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Sales of organic food have fallen in some markets, including Britain, as recession has led consumers to cut back on purchases.

The Soil Association said in April that growth in sales of organic products in Britain slowed to just 1.7 percent in 2008, well below the average annual growth rate of 26 percent over the last decade, following a plunge in demand at the end of the year.

(Reporting by Ben Hirschler; editing by Simon Jessop)


Um, I believe this story is crap. Of course organic is healthier, it doesn't contain artificial garbage. This story is going to be proven wrong easily.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Legs are sore tonight

Ah yes, working out and soreness. They kind of go hand in hand don't they? Well, for me, they honestly haven't in awhile. So, while no one likes to be sore, I'm thinking this is a good thing. I've been experiencing a weight-loss plateau now trying to get the last six pounds off, so this could be a good sign. I decided I really needed to change up my workouts this week and pump up the intensity as much as I could. No, it's not easy, but some say this is a big key in getting over the hurdle known as the plateau. So, here's hoping for some results on that scale soon! :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Convention Scene 2009

Since I've been asked, I just wanted to address my con appearances for this year. I have decided to focus on getting a lot done writing-wise the remainder of 2009, so I won't be doing anymore shows. Most likely, my next con will be Megacon 2010. The show will also be the first appearance of my photography work, as I will be featuring and selling photos at my tables from that point on.

In the meanwhile, I can be found online blogging, twittering and the like about not only my writings, my photography work, but also randomness. :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fly Away Home

Fledgling fowl takes flight from Philadelphia Zoo

PHILADELPHIA – Attention, bird watchers: A flamboyant feathered friend has apparently flown the coop at the Philadelphia Zoo.

Zoo officials say the juvenile sun conure (CON'-yer) parrot disappeared Thursday during the Festival of Flight bird show. Spokesman Bill Larson says the zoo is very worried about the bird.

Larson says the birds are trained to fly from one perch to another for the show but can get distracted or frightened and lose their way.

The AWOL avian is mostly yellow with a green tail.

Anyone who catches a glimpse of the bird is asked to alert the zoo.


Hopefully, the little guy (or gal) is okay. While living in the "wild" is good, these birds don't know any life but the way they had been living, so I hope he stays safe and finds his way back home soon.

Fla. cops catch man running with cash register

Fla. cops catch man running with cash register

Fri Jul 24, 3:33 pm ET

GREENACRES, Fla. – Authorities caught a Lake Worth man running down the street with a stolen cash register. Greenacres police reported that a 32-year-old man entered a restaurant Thursday afternoon and asked for change for a $10 bill. When the cashier asked to see the bill, the man reportedly began screaming, "I want change!"

Police said the man then grabbed about $40 from a tip box, picked up the cash register containing nearly $300 and ran out.

The officers who arrested the suspect after a short chase had just come from reviewing surveillance footage at a nearby connivence store, where lottery tickets had been stolen a day earlier. By chance, the officers identified the man as the thief from the footage.

The man was being held on $21,000 bail for multiple charges.

(Information from: The Palm Beach Post,


This is just sad and hilarious at the same time. And, I didn't even know there was a city in Florida named Green Acres which is funny.

The future

I've got a feeling that something oh so good is coming for me this year... there has to be some kind of great opportunity heading my way. Yes, things have been okay, but I need things to be even better. I need to wake up one day and think, "wow, this is my life and I love it!" Whether that means a career opportunity, another move or what, I don't know. But, something deep down in my gut is telling me, "stay tuned, it's going to get better."

With that in mind, I am going to greet the weekend with my head held high and my dreams big. :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Darn, the weekend is about over

Meaning, tomorrow begins another week of work. I'm really looking forward to going up to New York in a little over a month for vacation. Going to be a definite blast! :)

Anyway, I did Scott Kelby's Worldwide Photo Walk on Saturday after work. I have yet to look at the shots I got (rained, so left early), so hopefully I'll do this either tomorrow night or before work Tuesday. Downtown Orlando is a great place for a photographer to roam, it's just too bad that the rain chased me away. Going to have to go back one today soon and take some more pictures.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Oh yes, it has been way too long!

I have abandoned this blog for way too long. That is about to change, as I'm going to be updating here regularly again about my writing projects, conventions and what have you.

That said, I haven't been on the convention circuit much this year and that is most likely going to stay that way. Presently, I am concentrating on getting some projects going again and others started. I hope to have a lot of new books to show off in 2010.

What am I working on now? Current projects on my plate include.... THE LINE, HYPERSONIC, BLOOD IN THE SKY, YOUTHFUL FLIGHT, and TO ASHEVILLE AND BACK. Haven't heard of most of those? That would be due to the fact that they haven't been really announced. BLOOD IN THE SKY is my novel based upon a true crime that I have been working on since last November, YOUTHFUL FLIGHT is a comic book mini that is in its very infant stages and TO ASHEVILLE AND BACK is the story of my adventure of moving out of Florida to the mountains and then back again last year. More on those three soon!