Saturday, January 28, 2006

Fri/Sat at FX

Friday night there weren't many attendees at all. Thus, it was a very slow four hours. As far as how things started out...well, they put me in front of the hotties of FX. Yup, the adult "stars." I feared this when I saw the layout. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything to be done about it. I feel like I might be losing potential sales being in the location that I am. Also, the con had nothing covering the tables. This wouldn't be so bad except that the tables are very old looking. And, they wrote each creator's name on the spaces with chalk. If only they would have informed us that we needed to provided a table covering beforehand. On the good side, my neighbor to the right of me was kind enough to share his tablecloth that he brought in Saturday. So, again thank you to Mark Mekkes for that. :)

Saturday was alright. Didn't sell even close to near as many books as I had planned on or wanted to. Was much busier at least. Lots of people wandering through. I did get to chat a bit with fellow creators like Chuck Dixon, Phil Noto, Mario Gully, Joe Fauvel, and Derrick Fish as well as guys like Brian and Dwayne from Comic Book Also, I meet a fellow Bendis Boarder on Friday. He told me that he doesn't really post, but he lurks the board. Always cool meeting folks from the boards. I'll be meeting the Serenity guys tommorrow, something I am very much looking forward to. :)

More on the con tommorrow night, as well as pics!

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