Saturday, March 19, 2005

WWLA: Day One

The day went fairly well. Got there about 12pm to set up. Finally met with my fellow Ronin peeps (Batman Booyah, Genius J, Pat Loika) and the Silent Devils guys. We set up and then waited for the con to open!
Friday was pretty slow for us, I only sold a handful of "The Line." But, I did get a lot of lookers. Oh, and someone who looked me up online and wanted to sell me something c ncerning having some sort of clock made of Jessi Myers (my lead from "The Line). That was interesting. Didn't buy the book, just wanted to sell me something it appeared.

Good times were had at the bar (Rockbottom) that evening. I met Geoff Johns and talked to a very drunk Thomas Jane, and of course I talked to many other folks.
I look forward to an awesome Saturday at the show and after!

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